Computer Security Day 2015, aiming to provide insight into the privacy and security issues surrounding electronically stored information, was marked yesterday November 30, 2015 by a cybersecurity conference at Ebène Cyber Tower 1, in Ebène Cyber city.
Organised by CERT-MU (Computer Emergency Response Team of Mauritius), a division of the National Computer Board, the event aims to enable the sharing of experiences between Information Security Professionals as well as favour a better understanding for them to safeguard their organisation’s most valuable asset-information.
During the conference the discussions focused mainly on the following: information security trends; breaking the kill chain with advanced threat protection; security in silicon; incident response management; hit by a cyberattack – approach to mitigation; how security operations centre (SOC) helps in incident handling – Symantec experience of setting-up of SOC in Mauritius; and cyber incident response management – helping you plan, monitor and investigate cyber-attacks and intrusions.
Furthermore, local and foreign speakers, from the Information Technology industry, used that opportunity to speak about the current challenges and future opportunities in cyber-security.
In his opening address at the conference, the Ag. Director of the Central Informatics Bureau, M. Soobron, elaborated on Computer Security Day’s goal and importance.
While noting that this year’s event is focusing on incident response, Dr Soobron stated that attacks against IT systems and networks are catching the headlines.
« In today’s hyper connected world, computer security is not only a technical issue but a social issue, he said. Every security incident has the potential of impacting socially, financially and emotionally, » he pointed out.
Other activities being held to mark Computer Security Day include: an exhibition to showcase the latest products on Computer Security and a professional Training programme on Network Forensics (Packet Analysis) in the first week of December 2015. These two events, as well as the cyber security conference, are being organised in collaboration with Symantec, Secure Services (Mauritius) Limited, Valiant Technologies, Fortinet, Oracle, IBM and PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Computer Security Day
Computer Security Day is an annual event that is observed worldwide since 1988 to help raise awareness of computer related security issues. It is designed to raise awareness and to promote best practices in Information Security.