On 3 November, the Cube construction site was officially inaugurated. All the partners were present in Saint-Denis to witness the laying of the foundation stone. The future Cube, a 4,000 m² building, will host project leaders and laboratories dedicated to life sciences in overseas France..
A 4000 m2 Cube, the first of its kind in overseas France.
Comprising 4 buildings on 4 levels, this 4,000 m² Cube will house around fifty start-ups, as well as workspaces and incubators in the form of accommodation. The Technopole of Reunion Island, the Cyroi and the players in R&D and innovation support will be able to provide a fully-fledged home for Réunion’s start-ups. The aim of this project: innovation, incubation, creation and acceleration of collaborative projects, training, cooperation, inter-network coordination, etc. The first of its kind in overseas France, this platform will create some 200 jobs.
A modular, innovative and sustainable project
Focused on innovation, Le Cube is “a way of showing young Réunionese that we believe in them and their projects”, explains Ericka Bareigts, Mayor of Saint-Denis. A real demonstration in itself, the Cube will be built fairly quickly thanks to the use of self-supporting prefabricated facades. This concept, already popular in France, has been adapted this time to the tropical climatic conditions of Reunion Island. The Cube will have partitions that can be adjusted according to needs.
Reviving and developing the local economy
Anchored in its territory, the Cube project intends to contribute to the revival and development of the local economy. For example, for the first time, the project has been entrusted to a cooperative of local craftsmen, ARBRE (Artisans, Bâtiment, Réunion). “The Cinor goes further than the simple integration clause. By entrusting this mission to local companies, it is encouraging the development of new construction sectors, with a better carbon impact,” emphasises Maurice Gironcel. “This project will be a breath of fresh air for the local economy, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, which need our support. And Ericka Bareigts added
Despite the delay caused by the health crisis, delivery is hoped for by all stakeholders and the region by the end of 2021.
Source: http://technopole-reunion.com/
© Photos / CINOR.