Registration for the 16th edition of the Startupweekend Réunion is open. This Women’s edition, reserved for project leaders, will take place on June 25, 26 and 27 online.
We open the ball of this year 2021 with the very first Startupweekend, which will be a Women’s edition, supported again this year by the DRDFE (Regional Directorate for Women’s Rights and Equality).
After its success in 2019, the Webcup association has naturally renewed this thematic edition with a 100% online format, as Covid requires.
Special feature of this event: “ Met famn en lér” is the credo of this Startupweekend.
Women will be in the spotlight and will be able to present their ideas during a one-minute pitch: the objective is to highlight the talents of our Wonder Women Pei.
The future start-up women will defend their concept in front of an audience of entrepreneurship professionals and thanks to the support of the coaches and their teams, they will be able to verify the viability of their ideas at the end of these 54 hours, and why not launch themselves into the great entrepreneurial adventure!
“Female project carriers but mixed teams!”
The mechanics of Startupweekend remain unchanged, bringing together for 54 hours men and women from very different backgrounds: students, entrepreneurs, job seekers, retirees, employees, freelancers, in short, enthusiasts, ready to help project leaders to create their own innovative business.
54 hours of skill sharing, professional coaching and good humour are the three essential ingredients to make magnificent projects blossom.
We wish the project leaders great success like Brigitte L’HOMME, winner of the very first edition with her project “La méthode dragons” (dedicated to the well-being of menopausal women, by providing them with natural solutions) which has now become a flamboyant business.
“The DRAGONS method was born during the March 2019 startup weekend!!! this kind of event can propel an idea. This Startupweekend gave the green light to all the development that happened afterwards, a project that went from a conceptual stage to a developing business, especially thanks to the whole team that joined me during that weekend. To the women who have a dream, this is the time for you, the super women, to dare by participating in this beautiful adventure.”
Participants can already register on the dedicated website: https: //
ATTENTION : Special feature of this online format, the closing date for the pitch for project leaders will be June 6th. However, registration for teammates remains open until midnight on June 20th.
The partners of the event :
For further information, please contact
Fatima GHAFARI : Events Project Manager: 06 93 99 00 17 /
Marie CHOULOT, Communications Officer: 0692 70 85 02 /
Fabien DEGIEUX, Director : 06 92 25 13 25 /
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