This month, thanks to our App Of The Month feature, you’ll save money. Here is a simple, effective application that, for once, really makes life easier! If, like us, you happen to If you want toshop at Espace Maison, and you’re tired of carrying dozens of loyalty cards (or worse, stamped cardboard sheets), we invite you to download the Espace Maison application and the loyalty program: VIB (Very Important Bricoleur).
How does it work?
The app makes way for simplicity: scan your plastic card or, better, enter your personal code (getting rid of that plastic card once and for all!). Afterwards, all you have to do is use your smartphone, and the application will collect your loyalty points. Here is how it works:
Step 1: Open the application and select “Scan your VIB Code” or “Enter your VIB Code
Step 2: It’s done!
At the next checkout, show your phone, which replaces the card when you collect your points. Their loyalty program is very nice, even if a little extra effort would be appreciated for the Very Important Bricoleurs 😉
The opinion of the editors
Espace Maison offers you to earn 1 point for every Rs 40 spent. Once you reach 500 points, you will be entitled to a discount of Rs 500. It’s not much… but, it can be interesting for regular customers. The Home Space program includes special events, Welcome bonus points, raffles and extra points for your birthday, etc. All the details are available on their website, where you can register for a card.
For the time being, the application does not give the possibility to consult its points, which is regrettable. To do this, you have to go to the store and ask the salespeople, or check the balance on your receipt after a purchase. It would also have been nice to receive some information, such as the promotions of the moment, or why not, to be able to ask questions always thanks to the application. Still, the initiative is welcome and other brands should take inspiration from it.
The app is available on Android, iPhone and Windows phone.
Happy shopping to all!