For the first time in Comoros, the results of the baccalaureate can be consulted from a mobile application called “Natidja” which means “results”.
This initiative was born from the Comorian Association of Information and Communication Technologies (ACTIC). Indeed, the latter aims to popularize ICTs in everyday life by promoting the creation of tools and services that meet the needs expressed by the population. Comoros is gradually entering the digital age, which bodes well for the development of the ICT sector.
NATIDJA, the application born thanks to the support of ACTIC
ACTIC has received a grant from the World Bank through the RCIP 4 project (Regional Communications Infrastructure Program). This support allows him to train young people in the development of mobile applications, especially on Android. Projects are currently being prepared to provide smart solutions in the areas of health, education, agriculture and trade. ACTIC supports young talent by providing a small workspace and a broadband connection. It encourages the stimulation of their creativity and accompanies them in the search for solutions that would allow them to earn a living thanks to developed skills.
It is within this framework that the application “NATIDJA” was created and is available in the Play store. It has already been downloaded more than 900 times in less than 24 hours and has allowed families far from the examination centres and the diaspora to consult the results of their children’s or relatives’ BAC at a distance. The application developed by the young Maoulida Said Mnamdji with the collaboration of Miss Boina Ali Soilhi Mounira is perfectible: it is indeed a first version that will see many improvements. In the future, this will make it possible to have national statistics by region and by establishment. The prioritization of establishments can therefore be done using this tool. ACTIC congratulates the young designers of “NATIDJA” and encourages others to join it to make digital a lever for the development of the country.
ACTIC in a few words
The Comorian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ACTIC) was created in 2011. The latter is the main association representing the private interests of the ICT sector in Comoros. In fact, its creation stems from a desire to federate the players and promote their interests. By becoming the recognized interlocutor with stakeholders and public authorities, ACTIC’s role is evolving with the development of professional activities in the sector.
The organization has about fifty members (professionals and companies). It is directed by an elected Board of Directors which is organized in working groups to achieve its objectives. Today, its vision is to position itself as the reference interlocutor of the digital economy in Comoros. Its mission is to promote the digital economy as a lever for development. The ACTIC board and its members are driven by values such as Professionalism, Solidarity, Integrity, Passion and Progress in their actions within the digital sector.