The business world is changing rapidly with new technologies. Large firms are no longer safe and are under threat of becoming obsolete if they do not react to recent developments in the digital world.
Barriers to internal innovation
They face a lot of difficulties when they try to innovate internally for various reasons. One of the main obstacles is the size of the structure which slows down decision making, the need to assess risks and the slower tempo compared to start-ups to renew itself.
More flexible structure and better assimilation of technological developments
On the other hand, start-ups excel in this kind of situation with a higher risk-taking ratio, a more flexible structure and a better assimilation of technological developments. It is therefore becoming clear that a relationship between start-ups and large companies could prove to be very fruitful. At ENL, we understand the importance of this collaboration and that is why the group positions itself and supports local and regional start-ups to improve the efficiency among its teams through digital solutions.
Boosting the growth of the local and general economy
This relationship is intended to be beneficial to both parties, but also to the industry and the entrepreneurship ecosystem. In other countries where this partnership has been established, there has been growth firstly for the local economy, secondly for the economy in general and finally for the improvement of the lives of consumers who benefit from the new products and services they use in their daily lives. For their part, early-stage start-ups can benefit from invaluable access to the resources and contacts of experienced companies to ensure their survival in a highly competitive environment.
The CiLab project
In the framework of the CiLab project, ENL Group invites innovative solution providers to register on the dedicated platform and have the chance to become one of our Smart Solution Providers. Those with a Product/Market Fit (PMF) phase and the ability to demonstrate expertise and track record in their sectors are welcome to register as a partner on the link below. Once you have registered, we will ask you for your expertise on the different problem statements of our clients. There will be projects of different sizes.
A solution that suits every customer
With already over a hundred innovation opportunities identified within ENL with a focus on data, artificial intelligence and blockchain among others, CiLab aims to offer the right solution for each of these customers. The ENL Group has always been a major player in the promotion and support of the start-up ecosystem. With two pioneers that are the Turbine – which is an incubator that aims to support future entrepreneurs through training and the growth of their projects – and Compass Capital Venture – which is always looking for investment opportunities in growing companies.
To register follow this link: https: //