In the field of ICT or Information and Communication Technology in Madagascar, there are many advances. It is with this in mind that GOTICOM (Groupement des Opérateurs des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) has decided to initiate its “ICT Cluster Approach”.
The GOTICOM association
Since its creation in 2000, GOTICOM has been working to revitalize the ICT sector in Madagascar. Indeed, in the Big Island, this field is often relegated to the second plan and this, due to an almost irremediable lack of information. However, the Groupement des Opérateurs en Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication aims to change this status quo which, without any doubt, is a bad omen for the economic development of Madagascar.
The association brings together nearly 80 companies whose sector of activity includes BPO, SSI, Call Centers, etc. In the same vein, GOTICOM also supports sectoral groups, training institutes and research centres working in the field of ICT. Their goal is to revitalize the sector, and the association’s main objective is to make significant changes to the current climate in Madagascar. As a result, she initiated, implemented and now leads the “ICT Cluster Approach”.
Eleven months is the time the association has allowed itself to complete this project and achieve its objectives. From February to December 2017, she plans to have the Enterprise Cluster Approach adopted, pilot projects identified within ICT Cluster and of course implemented. GOTICOM also wishes to capitalize on the good practices of the Cluster Approach and to validate the management and governance policy of the ICT Cluster.
Multiple objectives
GOTICOM would like to focus on three main points during this process. The first step will be to pool the resources and skills of local companies for high value-added projects. Subsequently, the ICT Cluster Approach wishes to facilitate access to the regional market, i.e. at the level of the Indian Ocean, and internationally. Finally, it aims to strengthen the capacity of GOTICOM members.

Interview with Mr Jean Luc Rajaona President of Goticom
At a press conference, the President of the association, Mr. Jean Luc Rajaona, said that “GOTICOM, in the implementation of the cluster approach, is working hard for the success of this project. The members of the pilot cluster are Ibonia, Ingenosya, Ambre Associates and Orchid Systems. These companies each have their own skills and expertise, but they are complementary.
In the same vein, he emphasized GOTICOM’s commitment to promote the ICT Cluster of Madagascar to neighboring islands, thus disseminating the know-how and advances made by the Malagasy in the field of Information Technology and Communication. A meeting with ICT institutions in Mauritius has already taken place and a visit to Reunion Island is planned soon.