Jirogasy, the first start-up to manufacture connected objects and solar kits for e-health and e-education in Madagascar, signs a partnership with OMDF (Off-Grid Market Development Fund) .
Jirodesk : a 100% Malagasy product
Jirogasy is a Malagasy startup founded in 2017 by brothers Lauric and Yann Kasay. The company offers computers as well as solar generators, with the aim of fighting the digital divide and the energy enclave in the country.
This is the first company to manufacture connected objects and solar kits made in Madagascar for e-health and e-education, but also one of the first African initiatives to go beyond the assembly of components in the solar and electronic sector by designing its own parts. The startup has created its own solar computer, the Jirodesk, which it deploys through a network of partners in health clinics and schools in non-electrified areas.

Thus, the start-up’s flagship product, Jirodesk, is a solar generator with an integrated mini PC, all manufactured locally. Another product offered by Jirogasy is the Jirodesk II. It is a 100% local solar computer developed by a team of Malagasy engineers with the aim of strengthening access to digital educational tools for children in Madagascar and the rest of Africa. Thus, the Jirodesk is deployed through a network of partners in health centers and schools in non-electrified areas. Finally, in addition to its computers, the start-up offers a range of solar generators of various sizes and power.
A grant from OMDF
OMDF(Off-Grid Market Development Fund) is part of the LEAD(Least-Cost Electricity Access Development Project), a Malagasy government initiative led by the Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons (MEH), funded by the World Bank and managed by Bamboo Capital Partners in partnership with Société Générale Madagasikara.
“With this partnership, we will be able to strengthen our production and innovation capacities in order to contribute to the deployment of SolarTech in Madasgascar, with a stated social objective: to contribute to the electrification and digital inclusion of the greatest number of people. We thank once again all our partners for their trust“said Yann Kasay, General Manager of Jirogasy.
Jirogasy is thus the 15th company, and the only Malagasy manufacturer to benefit from the subsidies granted by the OMDF. This aid should therefore allow the start-up to strengthen its sales force and structure its sales department with a view to initiating the marketing of its range of solar kits, it was indicated. Thus, only kits that meet international standards will be subsidized. « Hence the relevance of support such as that of OMDF, which will help us meet the most demanding international standards. This structuring will allow us to increase the impact of our projects, including the distribution of our individual solar kits, to equip a maximum number of targets in need “he added.