is an online platform designed for customers in Mauritius and Rodrigues to make shopping easier and to help them access all the shops with a simple click! Sellers will not only be able to sell their products online, but they will be able to manage their stores, orders, inventory, product listings and more.
Vishal Anand, what is your role in Mycart?
As Managing Director of Mycart Co. Ltd, I have various responsibilities which include marketing, finance, management and the smooth running of the business. I also make sure to keep everyone motivated. I believe in teamwork and it’s a culture we embrace at home.
What services does your company offer?
First, we provide an online platform where we bring buyers and sellers together. We also provide a mobile application that is easy to use. We also provide 24/7 online support for buyers and sellers. We provide fast delivery up to 5 days from the time an order has been placed. The orders will be delivered directly to the consumers. We ensure that our shops and vendors are promoted and that all their products are given maximum visibility throughout Mauritius and Rodrigues. It should be noted that sellers can register and open their online shop and list their products for free.
Locally speaking, very few companies offer online sales services. Is it easy to make a “name” in this field in Mauritius?
Indeed, very few companies currently offer such services in Mauritius. However, more and more people now have access to the internet and smartphones are becoming more and more affordable these days. Thus, as the concept is new, we believe that there is a strong margin for such services in Mauritius and Rodrigues. However, we know that we will have to make ourselves known on the Mauritian market through a good marketing strategy.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of online sales in Mauritius?
Technology is constantly evolving and access to the Internet is becoming more and more affordable for more and more people. Most people have a computer and a smartphone. The fact that we support different types of payment also means that customers have a wider range of payment methods. We also offer fast delivery which is very convenient.
Nevertheless, as online shopping is a new concept in Mauritius, people will be reluctant to try it. People are used to traditional shopping and may be reluctant to adopt this concept. Even though we provide a highly secure payment gateway, customers and sellers may have doubts. However, we are confident that through hard work and dedication we can overcome these weaknesses.
Your final word?
We are convinced that Mycart will soon revolutionize the way people shop in Mauritius and Rodrigues.