Since the end of the 1990s, the world has experienced an unprecedented technological boom. With the democratization of the Internet, the lives...
The popular game was no longer available on Apple’s devices since August 2020, when Apple entered into a legal dispute with Epic...
Phone number, e-mail, postal address… Internet users can now ask Google to derefer pages containing their personal information Protecting Google user information...
Central African Republic legalizes the use of cryptocurrencies, adopting Bitcoin as its official currency. It is the first country to do so...
Wakanda 4.0 is organizing the first edition of a Cryptoverse Summit this May 18 at the Caudan Art Center in Mauritius. The...
We are testing MauHeritage, a mobile application launched by the he National Heritage Fund which allows its users to access Mauritian historical...
MCB is partnering with the Mauritius Africa FinTech Hub (MAFH) to train young Mauritians in the Future FinTech Champions 2022 program. CTFs...
The Women’s edition of Startup Weekend will be back for the 3rd time this Friday, March 11. A 3rd edition of this...
This week, Digital Réunion welcomes its new president, Nicolas Mareschal. His objective: to promote digital on the territory of Reunion. A new...
Apple has decided to simply suspend the sale of all its products on Russian soil, in response to the invasion of Ukraine...