A recent study by Panda & Wolf Advertising Agency shows that in 2018, men still outnumber women on Facebook, with 54% male users compared to 46% of the ladies. However, it is 50-50 when it comes to Mauritian users who live elsewhere.
What was the profile of Mauritian users on Facebook in 2018 ?
What is the average age of Mauritians registered on Facebook? In what professional field are they ? The communication agency Panda & Wolf Advertising has taken a closer look at these issues. The results may surprise you. For example, the study report shows that there is a greater number of active users among men, 54%. Of the approximately 800,000 people who are connected, 26% are men and women between the ages of 18 and 24. Only 3% of registrants are over 65 years of age.
41% married vs. 40% single people active on Facebook
The figures obtained by Panda & Wolf Advertising also show an almost equal number of single and married people. Indeed, 40% of Mauritian users active on Facebook are single, while those who are married represent 41%. Furthermore, 15% of users are in a relationship, while 5% have the status ” engaged “.
Management tops the list according to Panda & Wolf figures
In terms of education, the vast majority of users have a university education, 70%. These data also show that in terms of professional field, management is at the top of the list. In fact, this sector has 36% of subscribers, compared to only 10% for the business and finance sector. Employees in Arts, Media, Sport and Entertainment are tied with those in Production (15%). Also included are sales (21%), administration (26%), food and beverage (11%), ICT (10%) and installation and repair services (9%).
Out of sight, out of mind
A large number of Mauritians live abroad. However, they manage to keep a certain closeness to the island through Facebook. Between the country news posted on the social network and staying in touch with the family, they are served. Moreover, the figures speak for themselves : between 70,000 and 80,000 Mauritian users live far from their home town. Among them, there are 50% men and 50% women connected to the platform, including a large majority of Millennials (aged 25-34).
Mauritian-style e-shopping
The Panda & Wolf Advertising study also allows us to know the purchasing habits of Mauritians, and more precisely of e-purchasing. Thus, the report shows a great interest in interior design. Women’s clothing comes in2nd place, followed by baby shopping (clothing and accessories). Kitchen and bathroom utensils and equipment are also of great interest to Mauritian Facebookers. At least a little more than home and garden accessories, which come last. E-shoppers represent 54% of women, compared to 48% of men.