Following the success of the 2016 edition of the Krakathon, The event organized by is coming back on the weekend of October 21 and 22, 2017 and registration is starting now!
This Hackaton gives you the opportunity to participate in a very special code competition. Developers, Sys Admins, Coders, and other hackers: let’s go! Come and immerse yourself and your team in this unprecedented adventure.
The success of the 2016 edition
Last year, Team 42 with a total score of 8,450 points won the RS treasure. 50 000. Many participants, including the Spoon Consulting LTD team, got caught up in the game and plunged into the adventure. More than 70 hackers tried to give the best of their code skills. This year, the 42 team participates in the organization of this event to make you embark again in the universe of the Krakathon.
Kraken + Hackathon = Krakathon
Do you know the Hackaton principle? offers you the KRAKATHON! The Hackathon (contraction of Hacker + Marathon) brings together people with different skills to work on a computer theme. In the 1980s, the NSA secretly gathered the best hackers in the United States for a short period of time to detect potential flaws in computer security systems. Today, the popularity of hackathons has grown steadily to become the favorite activity of developers who like to push their limits.
The Krakathon is a hackaton in the form of a very special naval epic. This intensive 24-hour non-stop code competition surrounded by the Kraken’s tentacles is a real test. You will meet your developer friends and use your skills over a whole day to try to earn as many points as possible by completing technical quests. This race against the clock promises to be very emotional!
Who can participate?
You don’t need to know any particular computer language: the competition is open to anyone who has a passion for code. Just form a team of 2 to 4 developers, sys admins, or coders and get started.
How to get on board?
The Krakathon pirate organizers will offer you everything you need: Wifi, electricity, and personalized shirts. You will embark with your team in the Turbine’s premises and set sail towards code challenges of increasing difficulty. The price of this extraordinary adventure is Rs 1500 per person for individuals and Rs 2500 for professionals. 50% of the money collected will finance the event and the rest will be allocated to prizes.
Register today for the 2017 Krakathon!
You can already submit your application on the Krakathon website. Each member of your team must register individually. You will also find details on the modalities of the event. Come and test your skills against the other teams and try to get the treasure: Click here to register and follow all the Krakathon news on the dedicated Facebook group.