Reunion Island is one of the jewels of the Indian Ocean. Mixed culture, breathtaking landscape, the island has everything to please ! If you thought you knew everything about this pearl, test your knowledge with ” Quizithemes “.
Often called the “intense island”, Reunion Island has a thousand facets to be discovered or rediscovered by the most curious. This island in the Indian Ocean is a real jewel in itself : natural assets classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a volcano that offers a magnificent spectacle at each eruption, a culture rich in history and warm inhabitants…
This French overseas department is a land of contrasts in the image of its relief, its landscape, and especially its population. Authentic cuisine, religious diversity, unique traditions, this is what makes Reunion Island so rich and unique. For locals and travelers alike, this island continues to reveal itself day after day, year after year, all to offer unforgettable memories of an intense piece of land.
For travellers in love with the island and proud Reunionese, here is a game that puts Reunion in the spotlight through a series of questions ! Whether you know this island inside out or simply want to know more about it, Quizithemes reveals everything…
What is Quizithemes ?
Quizithemes – Reunion Island is a FREE game 100% from Reunion Island. It was developed by fans and for fans of the intense island! The aim of this new quiz is to help people discover and rediscover the island in a fun, entertaining and accessible way.
Do you know the game ” four pictures, one word “, which consists in finding a word thanks to four pictures which have a common element ? The principle of Quizithemes is similar. The rule is very simple : the player discovers a picture and has to find the word associated with it !
To spice things up a bit, two levels are offered. A beginner level which consists of 20 questions and a difficult level with more than 130 questions. And of course, this content will be regularly enriched to make the game even more interesting and welcome new players.
With Quizithemes – Reunion Island, players will be able to have fun while testing their knowledge thanks to questions of different levels, covering several themes.
This culture game is available as a mobile application and can be downloaded at :
Go ahead and download and test your knowledge of this multifaceted island. Who knows, maybe it will no longer hold any secrets for you !