The holidays are over! The routine resumes with its share of tasks to do at work and at home. How to organize your days without forgetting to do the essential? We offer a range of tools to help you plan your day!
Children, housework, work or other responsibilities: sometimes it’s hard to find your way around without forgetting a few things along the way! What if the beginning of the year was an opportunity to arm yourself with the right tools, dedicated to the organization of your days, without forgetting to take time for yourself? Diary, little memos, reminders on the fridge: these traditional tools don’t work for you? We have prepared a list of applications especially designed for planning.
Among the best-known digital agendas, you can find Google Calendar, Outlook or S Planner! Events, birthdays, appointments or others… these digital diaries can be customized according to your needs and the different tasks to be done. A small plus for Google Calendar and Outlook is that they are synchronized with your email account, reminding you without fail of all the tasks to be done. Even better, both calendars display an alarm 30 minutes before the start of each task.
No more forgetting with Wunderlist
Over time, you have become “the family secretary”? Blow with Wunderlist! This app available on iOS and Android is very easy to use to manage tasks at work and at home. As a perfect memory aid, Wunderlist also allows you to share your lists with your spouse, your children, and your colleagues.
Work smarter with Evernote
There is only one place to write down your ideas, research, shopping lists, good shopping addresses or to establish a well-structured schedule, it’s Evernote! With so many satisfied users, is it really necessary to present the application? Whether it’s for your personal or professional life, Evernote is the app that will help you remember everything, no matter where you are. No important note or message will escape you thanks to this app available for free in iOS and Android versions. Beware, however, it becomes payable in Premium version.
Have a good time with OFFTIME
OFFTIME (or life unplugged) is an application that manages your schedule while saving you time! How is this possible? OFFTIME allows you to disconnect from digital tools so that you can enjoy the present moment. A real “digital detox” for a short or long time, the app will allow you to enjoy your children, reminding you to go on vacation or that it’s simply time to take a break.
No more forgetting, no more being late because of a lack of organization, no more feeling like you’re buried under a mountain of tasks. Organize your days, make the most of technology to find time for yourself, efficiently!