Founded in 2018, Art Print 3D is one of the pioneers in the 3D printing industry in Madagascar. Indeed, it imports and markets the machines used to make these innovative prints. Although this technique is not very recent, it is just beginning to make a place for itself on the Big Island.
Art Print 3D wants to launch 3D printing on the Malagasy market
During the Asia/Enjoy Madagascar trade show, the company Art Print 3D took the opportunity to introduce the public to this advanced technology. True innovation in printing, 3-dimensional printing is still little known to the Malagasy. This is where this company wants to come in, confident that the market is promising, even if it has yet to be created. This is at least what Famomezantsoa Anjaratiana, the founder and manager of Art Print 3D, hopes.
A real revolution on the Malagasy market
Since last year, the company has been importing and marketing 3D printers. These allow the creation of various objects, through the addition or agglomeration of materials. Already very present in a large number of countries, 3D printing should revolutionize the Malagasy market.
3D printing used in many fields
Indeed, this technology is used in many fields. It can be architecture, aviation, mechanics and medicine. In detail, 3D printing can be used to create prostheses, dental devices, parts for industrial machines or even jewelry. Moreover, all these achievements would only take a few hours to create.
Training in three-dimensional modeling
Art Print 3D does not simply want to offer a 3D printing service. The company prefers to allow customers to create their own 3D objects. Thus, it provides training in three-dimensional modeling to those who need it. There are also sites where you can find templates to print. In this way, every customer who wants to use 3D printing has more freedom and autonomy.
Products from Flythinking Technology Co Ltd
In addition, the products imported and resold by Art Print 3D come from the Asian company Flythinking Technology Co Ltd, which already enjoys a certain reputation in Europe and North America. With offers for all types of customers, Art Print 3D has a catalog suitable for both professionals and the general public.
3D pens designed for small creators
Fanomezantsoa Anjaratiana explains that the company has a model with two extruders (print heads) that can print in two colors. Older generations only print one colour at a time. Thus, the objects should be painted after their creation by going through these old models. In addition, the company also offers 3D pens, including the child-friendly model. This is a great way to encourage young people to take an interest in new technologies while using their imagination.
Some companies in particular should logically be among the first to take an interest in 3D Art Print’s offerings. We are thinking in particular of commercial marketing, for the personalized gifts and the various goodies that it will be possible to create. The architecture and construction industries should also be quick to get on board.