This week, Digital Réunion welcomes its new president, Nicolas Mareschal. His objective: to promote digital on the territory of Reunion.
A new president
Nicolas Mareschal was elected president of Digital Réunion during the general assembly of the digital sector which was held on March 2nd. He thus presented his orientations for the next two years, with one priority: to act in the greatest interest of the development of the local digital sector.
Thus, yesterday, members and partners of Digital Réunion met to welcome their new President, and to salute the work of Stéphane Colombel who will have spent two years at the head of the digital industry in Reunion. A term of office marked by the important contribution of the digital sector to face the health crisis and the acceleration of the digitalization of uses and companies. A digitalization that the association encourages through the development of a responsible digital: “Our industry owes its performance to our ability to serve others. We must, above all, display our values by giving priority to the human being through responsible digital technology. It will have a positive environmental impact, exemplary ethics, inclusive and egalitarian digital technology, and finally will affirm our cultural identity as a singularity, strength and wealth. Reunion must be made a territory of trust and expertise“Stéphane Colombel reminded us in his last speech as President.

Focus on Nicolas Mareschal
Nicolas Mareschal has taken over the torch with the main mission of acting in the greatest interest of the development of the local digital industry. Originally from Le Tampon, he graduated from École Centrale Supélec – Paris (2010). During his career he has held various positions (Financial Analyst, Project Manager, Developer and Manager). In 2014, he founded CarpooLink in Toronto, Canada, as well as Nm labs, a digital transformation consulting firm with a client base of companies in Canada, the United States, France, as well as the island of La Réunion. Conquered by the exciting sector of entrepreneurship and new technologies, his return to La Reunion 7 years ago was motivated by a strong desire to contribute to the digitalization of his native region.
Member of Digital Reunion since his return to the island in 2015, in order to play an impactful role in the development of the local digital industry, he joins the Board of Directors and the office of digital reunion in 2019. Following his mandate as Secretary General, he becomes the new President of the firm for 2 years, with the guideline of working, with the support of a strong team, to promote digital on the territory of Reunion: “The world is constantly changing. The last two years have shown us how digital is a fundamental pillar of corporate strategy, and how resilient the players in our industry have been in discerning development opportunities in this crisis. Digital Réunion’s raison d’être today is to ensure that this digital ecosystem in Réunion can continue to grow and develop in this context of economic globalization.“

The new President will be able to rely on a renewed board of directors with newly elected members: Yannick BEREZAIE (Globalliance), Manisha CASIMIR (Isodom), Giovanni CELESTE (Dodorassik games), Antoine DEVASLE (Créalise), Xavier JOSEPH (Zeop), Muryel LEBLANC (Vitalis), Julien MAURAS (Exodata), Daniel RAMSAMY (Orange Réunion Mayotte), Anne-Laure RINGANADÉPOULÉ (Pépé José), Élodie ROYER (My Data Solution), Lucie SCHWEIZER (Notarly).