
Mauritius, first African country in ICT and telecoms


According to a report published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Mauritius is once again in first place in terms of information and communication technologies (ICT) and telecoms. Internationally, the island also remains in 73rd place among 175 countries.



Among 46 African countries rated, Mauritius is first, followed by the Seychelles, which now replaces South Africa in 86th place. More clearly, South Africa is in 88th place.

Ranking of African countries

(out of 46 countries rated)

Africa 2016 2015
1 Maurice 73 73
2 Seychelles 86 88
3 South Africa 88 86
4 Tunisia 95 95
5 Morocco 96 98
6 Cape Verde 97 99
7 Egypt 100 97
8 Algeria 103 112
9 Botswana 108 109
10 Ghana 112 111
11 Namibia 120 121
12 Gabon 124 126
13 Kenya 129 129
14 Ivory Coast 132 139
15 Zimbabwe 133 132
16 Lesotho 134 138
17 Swaziland 136 136
18 Nigeria 137 137
19 Sudan 139 134
20 Senegal 141 140
21 Gambia 143 141
22 Zambia 147 148
23 Cameroon 148 146
24 Mali 149 149
25 Rwanda 150 158
26 Mauritania 151 154
27 Angola 154 152
28 Liberia 156 161
29 Uganda 157 155
30 Benin 158 156
31 Togo 159 159
32 Equatorial Guinea 160 157
33 Djibouti 161 160
34 Burkina Faso 162 163
35 Mozambique 163 164
36 Guinea 165 166
37 Madagascar 166 165
38 Tanzania 167 167
39 Malawi 168 168
40 Ethiopia 169 172
41 DR Congo 170 169
42 Burundi 171 173
43 Southern Sudan 172 170
44 Guinea-Bissau 173 171
45 Chad 174 175
46 Niger 175 174





According to the report, Chad and Niger, which were ranked last, need to deploy more resources to improve their populations’ access to telecoms and hope to wake up to the digital economy.

In order to assess the overall level of ICT and telecom development in the 175 countries included in the study, 11 indicator pillars were established by ITU. These indicators make it possible to analyse the level of access to and use of ICTs and telecoms and the ICT skills in each country. An average of 10 points is then used to score each country.

Even if Mauritius is first in the ranking at the African level, much remains to be done. By remaining in 73rd place for two consecutive years, Mauritius has shown that it has not progressed in ICT and telecoms. Nevertheless, there remains one positive element, the island’s performance remains stable.

Source: Agence Ecofin

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