Today, February 13, 2019, “Inove pou nou bann kliyan” takes place at Workshop, Creative Park, Beau Plan. This workshop proposed by Made in Moris aims at boosting Mauritian innovation. If you’ve already registered, here’s what you can expect!
“Inove pou nou bann kliyan”: a call to all idea bearers
If you have a lot of ideas and are looking for a way to make them happen, you may have thought about registering for the “Inove pou nou bann kliyan” workshop. If not, it’s only a postponement! In the meantime, find out in our article what’s going on this February 13, 2019, at Workshop, Creative Park in Beau Plan. Proposed by Made in Moris, which has been a real booster for the local market for the past 5 years, this workshop is aimed at all entrepreneurs, company managers and directors.
Putting the customer at the heart of innovation
Sometimes, finding “the” right idea is not enough to revolutionize the market. We also need to find a way to make it happen. This is why Made in Moris has set up the “Inove pou nou bann kliyan” workshop. Inviting all innovation enthusiasts to present their ideas, this workshop focuses on the customer. Indeed, as Shirin Gunny, COO of Made in Moris explains, strategic tools will be provided to boost the creation of innovative ideas. This will also allow project owners to differentiate themselves from their current and future clients.
Made in Moris : 250 brands, more than 3000 products
Having already proven itself over the last 5 years, the Made in Moris label is well established on the Mauritian market. With 250 brands and more than 3,000 products, it covers various sectors. Thus, from food processing to textiles, including creative and cultural industries, Made in Moris is now known by more than 90% of Mauritians.
Develop high value-added ideas for clients
Innovation remains the keyword of this workshop, but not only! Indeed, as its name indicates, this workshop puts the customer at the centre. Each participant will learn how to put the customer at the heart of innovation. This will be done through hands-on activities and various tools. In addition, facilitators will be present to orchestrate the development of ideas, each more innovative than the last. And to be sure of the result, at the end of the session, a panel of clients will test these ideas. Nothing beats real-time feedback to prove the effectiveness of the workshop, and the eventual success of the proposed ideas.
Red Dot, partner of Made in Moris for this workshop
Red Dot is a consulting and coaching company in innovation and digital transformation. For this workshop, the firm has therefore joined forces with Made in Moris. Having proven itself internationally, Red Dot has made its mark in France, the United States and Singapore. This was achieved through an increased knowledge of Mauritian culture. The workshop “Inove pou nou bann kliyan” will start around 9 am at the Workshop, Creative Park, Beau Plan.
Course of the “Inove pou nou bann kliyan” day
A free conference, open to the public, will launch the event at 9:00 a.m. It will last about an hour and a half and its theme will be ” Innovation Made Easy”. Then, Red Dot will follow with a workshop on innovation methodologies to understand customer needs. This day, which promises to be rich in the exchange of ideas and innovations, will end around 5:00 p.m. It should be noted that this training is approved by the MQA and is 70% reimbursable.
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