Carrying large sums of money with you is strongly discouraged! This is how technology comes into play with MVola, the first mobile payment solution in Madagascar.
Waiting in line at the bank to withdraw or send money abroad can be complicated! Carrying large sums of money when shopping is also not advisable. The solution to all this is necessarily technology. And that’s where mobile money comes in.
In Madagascar, a solution was created in 2010 thanks to Telma, the leading telecom operator group in the Big Island. MVola is the first mobile payment solution launched by the operator, to facilitate the life of Malagasy people. This concept, which has been in existence for eight years, continues to grow.
In an increasingly connected society, using your mobile phone to make everyday life easier is a solution appreciated by all. MVola means simplicity, speed and immediacy when it comes to paying, sending or receiving money with your mobile phone.
MVola, a solution for everyone!
Through this payment service, the telecom operator offers Malagasy people the possibility to transfer money, pay their bills, make purchases and more… Regardless of the brand of mobile phone used. If you are wondering whether MVola should be linked to a bank account, rest assured: this solution is for everyone, including people who do not have an account.
A simple and clever operation…
MVola itself is an account where you keep your money in a secure environment. To use it, Telma Mobile customers just need to show their ID and sign the MVola subscriber contract at an authorized dealer, anywhere in Madagascar. Once you have registered and made your first deposit, you have access to all MVola operations.
Note that MVola ensures complete traceability of operations. Indeed, each transaction is identified by a number, even a unique code, that only the user knows. On the other hand, transactions can only be carried out after validation by the customer with his secret code. The system is therefore totally secure.
MVola services
With your MVola account, it’s easy! Transactions are made quickly, securely and with total transparency. In addition, by subscribing to this payment solution, you are entitled to the following services:
- Receiving money from abroad via Western Union
- Withdrawing money
- Send money to your loved ones
- Buy communication credit
- Buy Moov refills (Editor’s note: Moov is the first internet portal in Madagascar dedicated to current events on the Big Island).
- Telma bill payment
- Payment of Jirama bill (NDLR Public water and electricity supplier)
- Pay your CNaPS (National Social Security Fund) contributions
Stay on top of your transactions
To go further, MVola allows you to have control over all your transactions. Webportal, a free online management tool made available by Telma, allows you to consult and follow in real time all the operations made on your account.
Say goodbye to cards, notes and small coins stuck in your pocket… Make your life easier and adopt MVola!