If you want to stay healthy and fit, read on. Our friends from the sister island have thought of you by creating not only a website, but also a personalized physical support application, to help you find your ideal weight. Drum bearings, this is : MyOmegaSmart (MOS).
Designed by Aurar, this application was developed in Reunion with the help of a team of experts. Downloadable on iTunes and Google Play, MOS helps you get back to your dream body with peace of mind.
MyOmegaSmart? What is it?
The complete MOS program is divided into 3 main seasons, each divided into 12 weeks:
- StartOmega: learning phase towards new healthy eating habits, a deeper knowledge of nutrition to preserve one’s health and a gradual return to adapted sports activities.
- RegularOmega: a stabilization phase, the achievements of the StartOmega season must be maintained and respected. Clear and effective knowledge of what to eat, recipes and menus. The sport to include in your new way of life.
is a consolidation phase, which is essential to avoid relapses. By the end of this period, you will realize that the new standards have been assimilated and understood, and that they have become second nature.
Who is behind MOS?
- Emma – Coach for MOS
- Chloe – Coach for MOS
- Georges DIJOUX – Expert in physical and sports activities
- Suren BUDHAN – Nutrition expert
- Martine RIFLEU- Nurse specialized in nutrition
- Natatcha BENARD – leads the MyOmegaSmart project team and manages the company that runs the app.
A short course to lose weight?
After the holiday season, we all dream of losing the extra pounds. Here are some tips found on the MOS website:
To begin with, never, ever skip a meal. For those of you who complain about not having time, always have food available to replace the meal you missed. For example: if you don’t have enough time to eat the most important meal of the day, breakfast, take some food with you on the bus or at the office: wholemeal bread with organic peanut butter, cheese in individual portions, chewy fruit (apple, banana, dried fruit), dates…
For recipe ideas, click here.
Eating balanced foods
It is good to want to lose weight, but it is especially recommended to eat a balanced diet every day, with the National Nutrition and Health Program (PNNS) as a reference:
- 3 to 4 dairy products ;
- 1 to 2 parts of meat or fish or eggs (preferably 2 parts if you need to gain muscle);
- Bread and/or starchy foods at every meal;
- At least 5 fruits or vegetables ;
- At least 2 tablespoons of an oil providing essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6;
- Stay properly hydrated.
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