For its seventh edition, the Orange Social Entrepreneur Prize will reward the best innovative and responsible business project in Africa and the Middle East. Registration for the competition is open until June 6. To register, click here.
For this new edition, the Orange Social Entrepreneur Prize is evolving, with the competition now taking place in two stages: the best projects will be selected at national level, then an international jury will award the grand prize to one of them. Internet users can vote to add a name to the list of nominees.
Prizes to be won:
In addition to personalized and remote support from Orange experts, the winners will receive :
- 1st Grand Prize: €25,000
- 2nd Grand Prize: €15,000
- 3rd Grand Prize: €10,000
National winners will be rewarded by local companies and prizes will vary by country and partner company.
Win the Coup de Cœur Entrepreneur Club
The Coup de Cœur Entrepreneur Club allows Internet users to vote for their favourite project, directly online. In each country, it will also be possible to vote on the portal during the national and international phases of the competition.
At the end of each phase of the Prize, the “Coup de Cœur” winner will have his or her file submitted to the jury, along with the 10 finalist projects pre-selected by the experts. The jury will choose from 11 entries, and 3 winning candidates will be awarded.
Focus on the Orange Social Entrepreneur Prize
The Orange Social Entrepreneur Award aims to promote the development of companies and startups that meet the needs of local populations through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
This prize rewards four projects or new companies created within the last three years, and which propose solutions based on mobile or internet, to meet the needs of the poorest populations of the African continent and the Middle East.
What is social entrepreneurship?
Launched in 2011, social entrepreneurship is about creating a viable economic activity to meet social and environmental needs. This may include, for example, access to health care, education, energy, employment, and agricultural information. Basically, it’s entrepreneurship, but with the central goal of having a social impact.
How to participate?
To participate, simply fill out the registration form. You must also provide an image of your logo, a photo of your company, the business plan in PDF, which will remain confidential and reserved for internal use while a short description of the project will be put online.
Criteria to be respected
For your application to be accepted, you must systematically submit a complete and verified file:
- Present your project in a 1000 to 2000 characters file
- Analyze the market
- Explain how your project meets the identified need
- Introduce the management team
- Present the financial forecast
- Assess the societal and/or environmental impact
- No incomplete application will be considered.
We had entered in 2016, however, we were not fortunate enough to be one of the nominees, however, the adventure was worth it! To learn more about the 2016 nominees, click here.