Each year, Afrinic 29 organises two conferences on internet policy. They are open to the public and are held at various locations in his service area. This edition, which started yesterday, will see the participation of Nitin Mutkawoa from Mauritius. Employee at Orange Business Services, he is also a member of the cyberstorm.mu group, which will present the DNSSEC Hackathon on Wednesday.
Sharing technical knowledge in the African and Indian Ocean region
From 26 to 30 November, Afrinic 29 is organising two meetings to discuss and make resolutions on how to manage internet resources in Africa and the whole Indian Ocean region. These conferences offer a unique opportunity to organizations and individuals related to the Internet. Indeed, it gives them the opportunity to exchange on the policies governing the distribution of Internet number resources in the African zone. This platform is a real opportunity to share technical knowledge, but also to take part in workshops.
Who is Nitin Mutkawoa?
Devops Engineer at Orange Business Services, Nitin Mutkawoa is also a member of the Cyberstorm.mu group. As a reminder, this is the group that organized the Operation KSKroll hackathon. And this Wednesday, they will give a presentation on the DNSSEC Hackathon held in Mauritius, as well as on a continental hackathon with several African participants. As far as Afrinic 29 is concerned, it participates in various policies, especially IPv6. He is already working closely with Jordi Palet Martinez on how to handle IPv6 allocation for certain types of members.
Topics discussed at Afrinic 29
During this edition of the Afrinic 29, some of the topics discussed are:
– Allocation of the last reserves of API4.
– IPv6 resource management.
– Internet exchange points.
– Measurements.
– Response to security incidents.
Among these points, it is to know that DNSSEC is an evolution of DNS. It is simply when the received answer is validated in a cryptographic way. DNS is the protocol used to find an IPV4 address on the internet.
A growing need for PI for Mauritius and the African region
For the uninitiated, Pv4 is the existing protocol that is used throughout the Internet. IPv6 is the successor to IPV4. It allows you to obtain a larger number of IP addresses. Due to the increasing number of devices connecting to the Internet, the supply of IPV4 is decreasing. Thus, there is a greater need for PI for all of Africa. To give an example, www.google.mu is mapped to an IPV4 address and now also mapped to an IPV6 address.
Bringing together Africa’s professional and technical ICT community
The first meeting of each year is held during the African Internet Summit (AIS). The annual ISA is a multi-sectoral regional ICT conference that brings together Africa’s ICT professional and technical community to discuss regional and global ICT issues and challenges. The ISA is jointly organized by AFRINIC and AfNOG. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is also held at the first AFRINIC meeting of each year.