Meeting with Julien AUBERT, Harry HOARAU and Marc AGOUNI. Their goal? Tokenize the Meeting. Learn more about their B.A.A.S (Blockchain As A Service) solutions in our interview.
The Editor : Tell us about Token Asset! Who are you and where did the idea of Tokenizing Reunion come from?
Token Asset : We are a start-up that was born in July 2018. We offer training for individuals, traders and businesses to understand and use Blockchain & cryptoassets technology.
Julien AUBERT is a commercial CCO in the south (St Leu to St Pierre). He comes from the event industry.
Harry HOARAU is CFO for SMEs in St Denis and the East. He comes from the HR sector
Marc AGOUNI I am CEO and initiator of the project since 2016, I organize the Meet-up since August. I am developing the western part. I was a sommelier.
Tokenize Reunion is a project with the island’s merchants to create a pilot city to attract a new clientele that uses cryptocurrencies with their smartphones.
Our ambition is to offer B.A.A.S (Blockchain As A Service) solutions with key partners in Paris for companies in Reunion Island.
La Rédac : Meetup are organized monthly in St Leu, St Paul and St Denis. What are the topics covered? Are they accessible to the uninitiated as well?
Token Asset : Our conferences are all levels. We have all public as curious, entrepreneurs, investors, crypto-enthusiasts, startuppers.
We have 3 topics in presentation : Bitcoin, blockchain and smart contracts.
Then we leave 1 h for questions. All those interested in the subject are welcome.
The Editor : The next step is to open a physical shop with a currency exchange counter… but still?
Token Asset : absolutely the project has 2 innovation poles :
The first is to open an exchange for individuals, investors. We will propose our conferences in this Digital Third-Party in a spirit of OpenSpace and PraticLab for project leaders.
The second is that we will offer Bitcoin Teller Machines (BTMs) that we will install at the airport and/or large shopping malls.
In the future development, we want to install 5 machines in the main cities of the island.
All people who do not want to open an account will be able to use this machine to buy BTC (the amount of a transaction is limited to 1000 euros Max).
La Rédac : Tell us all about the BlockShow Conference that you want to create in Reunion Island.
Token Asset : This is a project for September 2019. We have contacts in the cryptosphere that we want to invite to this BlockShow. French and international.
This international conference is over 5 days with 50 speakers. We want to involve Andreas ANTONOPOULOS, Ledger, Ethereum Classic, Blockchain Partner, La Maison du bitcoin (Coinhouse now) and the players of the Meeting.
There is the potential to organize an international conference with local structures in order to make Reunion visible in the ecosystem. It will be the 1st Blockshow of the Indian Ocean.
The Editor : In the process of Tokenization of the island, a Token Made in Reunion is also part of the equation?
Token Asset : yes we have created a Token under the WAVES blockchain (it’s a decentralized exchange – DEX) which will be a Utility Token for the payment of our trainings in our shop and for the local economy with our partner merchants. There are 7 million tokens issued.
We have a proposal with the TCO to create a corner for the tourism of cruise ships that have a disadvantage in converting their currencies (China, Thailand, South Africa, India)
It’s still under negotiation at the moment – still a project for 2019!!!
The Editor : Any final words for those who want to come aboard the Bitcoin Express?
Token Asset : Come and participate in this digital revolution that will transform the economic world. Be your own bank. Forget about the banking system that has hindered us for decades. Take back your financial power with new technology applications. Decentralization is tomorrow’s secret for a better global balance.