When looking for funding, don’t just look for cash. Look for the right people. (Jodie Fox)
A subsidiary of the Mitsubishi group, Tokyo Sangyo, a large Japanese trading house, is expanding its activities in the Big Island. Considered...
The 3rd and 4th of September saw the participation of the Malagasy President Hery Rajaonarimampianina at the China-Africa summit. A “Smart City”...
CIM Finance in collaboration with the Mauritian Association of Women Entrepreneurs, organised a workshop on 28 August. The program will propose solutions...
For some time now, the world of technology has had its eyes firmly fixed on artificial intelligence, as evidenced by the many...
For a long time, startups in the region have been quick to mention that there are not enough investment opportunities in Mauritius....
Consistent and sustainable entrepreneurship ventures are a rare phenomenon, especially in the third-world countries. Even though there are limitless opportunities, the resources...
Established in August 2006 in collaboration with the Development Bank of Mauritius and other major Mauritian commercial banks, the SME Partnership Fund...
You are an entrepreneur and you are facing difficulties in finding the capital you need to develop your business? This series of...
Since 2015, the Nigerian foundation Tony Elumelu Foundation , through its Entrepreneurship Programme, selects start-ups across Africa to help them grow. This...
Virtual currency, a new technology that is attractive, but also raises fears within the financial sector. While many countries are hesitant to...