When looking for funding, don’t just look for cash. Look for the right people. (Jodie Fox)
Compass, the first venture capital fund in the Indian Ocean, invests in innovative startups with strong growth potential and a clear competitive...
The Big Island aims to develop and grow its economy. Technology and digital technology have a bright future! Aware of the potential...
Madagascar continues to develop, especially in the area of small and medium-sized enterprises and startups. This is why the very first impact...
Partech Ventures announced last Thursday the launch of Partech Africa. This investment fund has already raised more than 57 million euros of...
Six operators evolving in the telecommunication sector in the Indian Ocean signed last Wednesday, December 13, an agreement concerning the construction of...
The Higher Education Bill was debated in the National Assembly on Tuesday 12 December. The Mauritian government has set itself the goal...
Accenture Technology Mauritius, in collaboration with the University of Mauritius (UoM) and the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC), is offering about 30...
Events and projects to promote technology and innovation in the country are never ending ! After organizing the Robotics Week, the MRC is...
We met with Mr. Stéphane Poupinel, Managing Director of the real estate division of Medine Ltd. He tells us about the Uniciti...
Moka, the heart of the island, was recently certified as a smart city by the BOI. On November 13, the agency issued...