When looking for funding, don’t just look for cash. Look for the right people. (Jodie Fox)
L’Afrique Excelle is a six-month acceleration program aimed at supporting the 20 most promising start-ups in the digital sector in French-speaking Africa....
Madagascar participated in the Africa 2018 Forum and the Bold Leadership and Collective Engagement Forum. It is an initiative of EDBM, an...
With 35 years of start-up experience, Lars Lindgren wanted to share his knowledge with local start-ups. From October 29 to November 1,...
Global Entrepreneurship Week Madagascar 2018, hosted by NextA, was held from November 14 to 16. It is a unique event that helps...
Meeting with Julien AUBERT, Harry HOARAU and Marc AGOUNI. Their goal? Tokenize the Meeting. Learn more about their B.A.A.S (Blockchain As A...
She is just 20 years old, and she has already launched her start-up, Sayna. Matina Razafimahefa is Franco-Malagasy and offers developer training...
South Africa’s Ambassador Maud Vuyelwa Dlomo commended Madagascar’s efforts in promoting the industry. This happened during a meeting with the Minister of...
Antenne Réunion enters the capital of the company Zotcar thanks to an investment by Media for Equity. This operation consisted of “exchanging...
An epic Kratos Vs Kraken battle took place at Vivéa Business Park on October 20 and 21 for Krakathon 2018. This third...
Miarakap is the first investment company dedicated to financing and supporting SMEs and start-ups in Madagascar. Providing strategic, technical and managerial support...