When looking for funding, don’t just look for cash. Look for the right people. (Jodie Fox)
Her name is Tahina Ralitera, she is only 24 years old and is currently pursuing her 3rd year of a PhD in...
We told you a few weeks ago, Nextgenfactor 2017 was opening its doors this September. As promised, the event was once again...
The BCS institution is organizing this year’s IT Awards in Mauritius. This competition will name the “Personal Excellence Awards” and the “Technology...
For a few years now, Google has decided to fully invest in mentoring startups. The tech giant has decided to support the...
For the first time in Comoros, the results of the baccalaureate can be consulted from a mobile application called “Natidja” which means...
After the signing of framework agreements with Mauritius and the Comoros, it was Madagascar’s turn to sign on 14 August with the...
We met with Prospérin M. Tsialonina, an entrepreneurial specialist and creator of 100startups.co, a platform created for Malagasy entrepreneurs to develop their...
With more than 30 million euros invested in Africa in 10 months, the Up 40 index illustrates the dynamics of French innovative...
Last Thursday, the long-awaited annual government budget was unveiled by Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth. This inevitable budgetary exercise has, as always, been...
Microsoft recently announced plans to use data centers in Africa for the first time to deliver comprehensive, intelligent Microsoft Cloud services. This...