When looking for funding, don’t just look for cash. Look for the right people. (Jodie Fox)
With an ailing economy shaken by the covid-19 pandemic, Madagascar is negotiating an Extended Fund Facility with the IMF. The objective is...
The construction of a Smart City in the heart of the country’s most popular seaside resort is a project that has not...
They come from Afghanistan, Madagascar, Togo, Nigeria and Burkina Faso. Their commitment: empowering women entrepreneurs through digital technology. These committed women entrepreneurs...
MCB Capital Markets announces the closing of a € 45 million mezzanine financing for Teyliom International. This subsidiary of the MCB group...
Harel Mallac Technologies has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Mauritius (UoM). This is to strengthen and emphasize collaboration...
For the 7th consecutive year, the competition for the creation of innovative companies will take place on the island of Reunion. The...
The startup Jumia Technologies AG, the number 1 African online retailer, has successfully completed its IPO. Indeed, last Friday, it raised just...
10 projects have been selected for the new wave of 100startups.co. Together, they will participate in “making Madagascar a country of startups”....
The World Bank approved a financing of 150 million USD (525 000 000 000.00 Ariary) to support three projects in Madagascar. The...