When looking for funding, don’t just look for cash. Look for the right people. (Jodie Fox)
FundKiss is the very first crowlending platform in Mauritius to allow individuals and companies to finance SMEs directly. In fact, since its...
A few days ago, a fund of 200 billion ariary was mentioned by the Malagasy government for young entrepreneurs. In a press...
EDF Réunion presented its 2018 balance sheet and took the opportunity to announce the 2019 outlook for electricity in Réunion. Knowing that...
Mauritius is back on the Forbes list! After Erick Gnock Fah, it’s Laura Wong Hon Chan’s turn to be on the Forbes...
Accenture Academy is recruiting its 3rd batch for a university course. This is the MSc Applied Software Technologies in collaboration with the...
Compass is active in the continental market. Indeed, the venture capital fund of the ENL Group has concluded three deals with African...
African Leadership University (ALU), a Mauritius-based institution, has raised $30 million to reinvent higher education. And its objective is not the least!...
Once again, Mauritius is in the spotlight in a Forbes ranking. Indeed, recently Erick Gnock Fah was ranked as one of the...
Eric Gnock Fah has earned himself a place among successful entrepreneurs. Indeed, at just 30 years of age, he heads a company...
As part of the World AI Show and World Blockchain Summit, EDB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Huawei Technologies (Mauritius) Co....